Tuesday, April 26, 2011

So on Sunday, I got tipsy for the first time in EVEEEER! Omgosh, it felt so gooooood. Just being happy, but being quiet, being crazy, you know the drill, etcetc. So excited for after the HSC... ARGH!
While I was tipsy () came, and he just held me... It felt so nice. For someone to just hold me like that. We didn't even need to talk. Too bad I can't express my feelings.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

240411 - Fast five, Nando's, Chinese Gardens, Norita.
Why can't I believe...
So you call me last night. And you tell me that you like me.
Why can't I say it back? I ask him, does it annoy you that I can't say that back?
No, he replies. Why not? Because I know you do, and I don't want you to push yourself into saying it. ARGH. Why can't I just say it. My 'not being able to express my feelings' disease kills me sometimes. ARGH. WHYHWYHWYHWYHWYHWYHWYHY!